2–5 September 2025
P&J Live, Aberdeen, Scotland

Take your performance to the next level

Upgrade to a Benchmark Analytics and unlock a data driven approach that compares your performance to your competitors.

Benchmark your performance against competitors

Filter for competitors and product category

Profile completion benchmark widget

Feature and benchmark preview

Want access to all these features?

Contact your sales representative today.

How Benchmark Analytics will help you

Benchmark Analytics is designed to make sure your successful.


Analyse how online visitors are engaging with your brand compared to your competitors.


Find out how many leads you were able to capture at show compared to your competitors.

Five steps to benchmarking performance

  1. Select Product category for benchmarking
  2. Use filters to select your competitors
  3. Review metrics to visualise where you stand in relation to them
  4. Get recommendations for improving metrics that matter to your business
  5. Take action to drive improvement

Want to know more?

Contact your Sales representative today.